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$ 0.00$ 200.00

Westminster Chime Brass Mantle Clock

Westminster Chime Brass Mantle Clock
Quartz movement, chime, rosewood finish and engravable with plate.

Color(s): Rosewood Brown/Gold
Dimensions: 9 1/2" x 23 3/4" x 8 1/2"

Price Includes: Blank
Setup Charge: $85 (C)
Imprint Location: 30.15 mm/1.19"
Decoration Method: Medallion

Production Time: 5 - 21 days

Packaging: Gift Box

FOB: CA, L4W 2T7


Qty 1 - 5 6 - 17 18 - 35 36+
Price (CAD) $ 284.25 $ 279.28 $ 272.88 $ 267.20