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$ 0.00$ 200.00

7" x 10" FSC® Mix Large Spiral JournalBook®

7" x 10" FSC® Mix Large Spiral JournalBook®
The 7" x 10" FSC® Mix Large Spiral JournalBook® features a FSC-certified craft paper cover with 70 sheets of white FSC-certified, soy-based ink lined paper. Includes black elastic closure and pen loop. Through a partnership with 1% For The Planet, one percent of sales of all EcoSmart® products are donated to environmental nonprofits. Due to the nature of the material, there may be color variances.


Qty 72-149 150-299 300-449 450-599 600+
Price (CAD) $ 14.43 $ 13.85 $ 13.28 $ 12.72 $ 11.45
Qty 72-149 150-299 300-449 450-599 600+
Price (USD) $ 8.80 $ 8.45 $ 8.10 $ 7.75 $ 6.98

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