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$ 0.00$ 200.00

Bowie Pen & Pencil Gift Set - Laser

Bowie Pen & Pencil Gift Set - Laser
This gift set includes a Bowie ballpoint pen and Bowie mechanical pencil, both featuring the soft-touch rubberized finish. Both pen and pencil will be customized with mirror laser engraving. Customers are sure to enjoy this gift set.

Color(s): Black, Gray, Blue, Red, White
Dimensions: 2.76" x 6.77" x 0.69"

Imprint Size: 2" x 0.295"
Imprint Location: Barrel
Decoration Method: Laser engraved

Production Time: 9 days

Packaging: Bulk
Weight Per Carton: 5
Units Per Carton: 25

Compliance & Safety: CA Prop 65 compliant

FOB: US, 92154
FREE Setup + FREE UPS Consolidated Shipping to Canada.


Qty 25 - 49 50 - 99 100 - 249 250+
Price (CAD) $ 9.64 $ 9.22 $ 8.93 $ 8.51

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